Friday, May 27, 2005

On our way

Well, it looks like we'll be moving back to Utah in a couple of weeks. Nathan starts his new job the end of June. We're so excited! I'm looking forward to being close to family and friends. I can't wait to see my new niece. And I can't wait to show off my new baby. It's going to be so nice for Josh and Nicholas to be around their cousins. It will be great to be able to spend the holidays with family. It will be heaven to have babysitters available so Nathan and I can go on dates (somewhat regularly). And when my family needs me I won't feel guilty that I'm too far away to help. This is going to be great!
As soon as we find out more details, I'll post them. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I can't wait to get out of this state! North Carolina is very beautiful but something about having to pull ticks off your cute little boy just doesn't seem worth it. Last week Josh had a tick on his leg that I noticed while giving him a bath. I pulled it out and it started crawling around. YUCK! It quickly got thrown into the porcelain bowl and flushed, never to return. Nathan picked one off him (Josh) before it had the chance to implant itself. Last spring I had to pick a tick off of Nathan and 2 or 3 off of Grr. And today we had to pick one off of Grr that had apparently escaped our attention for awhile because it wasn't exactly small. Once again- YUCK!!! It took several several attempts to get the sucker. We had almost gotten it out when Grr decided he had had enough and was not going to let us near him with the tweezers. So we gave him a little break. When we came back for another try, the tick was gone. Uh oh! That was just what we needed was a tick on the loose in the house. Nathan and I took one look at each other and dropped to the floor to start looking for the bludger! I found it on the carpet... about 6 inches from the butt jiggler (otherwise known as a baby bouncer)! I think if that thing had gotten on Nicholas (or Josh) I would have gone into hysterics. And needless to say, I have the heebie jeebie creepy crawlies so bad, I doubt I'll get any sleep tonight.
So now that tick season is once again here- the sooner we get out of this tick infested swamp the better!

My little angel...

Monday, May 23, 2005

Poor Grr

Poor Grr... doesn't have any friends. No yard to play in. No other dogs to romp around with. The most fun he gets is when he runs around the apt teasing Josh, who sometimes thinks it's fun and sometimes doesn't. The only time he really gets to stretch his legs is when we take him outside on a potty walk. Needless to say he is an absolute spazoid any time we even mention the word "walk". And being Nathan is the one that usually walks him, if Nathan even moves, Grr thinks it's walk time and starts getting all hyped up. We're so ready to have a yard for him to play in it's not even funny. Really. It's not funny. Way past funny. Want a yard bad! Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Josh didn't insist on going and "helping" every time. He needs a yard to play in too. The major production it is to just get out the door is exhausting. We really look forward to having a fenced yard that we can just open the door and let him out. No big commotion. And no following him around with a poop bag. (I don't so much like that part either). So I know this started out as "poor Grr" but there's definitely a "poor us" in there too.
This picture doesn't exactly help the "poor us" perspective but it's too cute to not show.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A New Discovery

Nicholas found his thumb this morning. He's been fascinated with his hands lately and will hold them up and just stare at them. Well, now he's figured out that the thumb fits perfectly inside his mouth and has been sucking on it most of the day. As much as I don't want to encourage thumb-sucking, it's really nice that he can soothe himself a little bit now. It was starting to become quite an ordeal to get him to fall asleep. Now, once he gets a hold of that thumb he's out in less than 5 minutes!!! Ahhhhh.... peace.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Road Trip

We just got back from a road trip to Detroit. It took us SIXTEEN hours to get there! The kids did great though. The only one that really got cranky was Nathan. And to be fair, being he drove the whole way, he had the right to get a little cranky. The drive back was a different story. We were all cranky on the way back. We even split it up between two days. Hopefully the next time we go anywhere farther than the grocery store, it will be by plane.
It was really great to see all of Nathan's friends again. The last time I saw them was just before we got married, when I met them for the first time. Hopefully, we'll be able to see them more often. They are all very nice and they gave my kids tons of attention. Not that my kids would have it any other way. Josh, especially demanded a lot of attention. Talk about a show-off!! He was one little ball of energy. I wish I could say that he was just acting up because of all the commotion. But no. The boy never stops! If only I had his energy.
Here's a few photos from our trip...