Birthday Season...
Most people have birthdays. In our family, we have a season. It starts in November with Amanda (our most recent family addition). Then January 14th (with Nathan), February 14th (Nicholas~our Valentine), and March 14th (Joshua). Mandy couldn't be lumped in with the boys too much and insisted on her own day (the 26th). Which means... she is 3 MONTHS OLD today. I can't believe it! It is so much fun to watch her grow and develop. She's super smiley and loves all the attention she gets from her big brothers. Plus, there's just something extra special about seeing a daddy holding his baby girl. TOOOO cute!
We had a great birthday with Nicky. We took him to see Spiderwick. Which was way too scary for him. Next birthday we'll spring for the therapy. We looked over at him during the movie and both his hands were covering his mouth. Then he leaned over and said "I don't like this!" Nathan had to take him out for awhile and just walk around the theatre. Poor kid! Although the next day him and Josh were playing together pretending that goblins were getting them and having a blast. Boys!
So now we have to figure out what we're going to do for Josh for his birthday. He says he wants a Superman birthday party. He hasn't been into the superman thing for awhile though so we'll see what happens. Either way, I'm sure it's going to involve a super hero of some sort.
Also this year we are celebrating our 6th Anniversary. I am so excited. I am still so crazy in love with my hubby~ I can't wait to get away with him and have some time to ourselves. We'll have Mandy with us of course but the boys will get to go stay with my brother, his wife, and 5 boys. I'm sure they'll have a great time too. And thanks again to Shawn and Anna, we owe ya!
And being it just seems wrong to post something on my blog without ya go: