The baby has arrived...
Yep! I finally got a new baby...Baby George. And tonight, he was soooo amazing! Plus he came with a brother: the extra large George Foreman grill. SWEET!! So here's a proper introduction for my new baby: Baby George is a very nice little rotisserie cooker. He served us well tonight with a very nicely cooked herb-rubbed chicken. The chicken was so tender and juicy and my house smelled so yummy! It was so simple but yet tasted so gourmet! The clean-up was not too bad- which is always nice. And being I have a weakness for kitchen appliances...Baby George now almost ranks up there with my kitchen aid (almost). Nathan got Baby George for me as an early birthday present. A gift the whole family can enjoy!!! Thank you soooo much Sweetie! I love it! I've already promised to bring Baby George over to my parents house and fix them dinner.
Here's a little side note:
While we were living in Germany, there was a little Turkish place (The Alpler) that had these amazing chickens cooked on a big rotisserie. You had to get there early or else they would be gone. For some reason eating a chicken like that has always turned my stomach. But not these chickens! They smelled and tasted so great! Maybe it was just because I was pregnant. Who knows. But Nathan and I would often walk down to the market and get us one and take it back to our little empty apt. We had very little furniture: a couch with 2 matching chairs, a bed (kinda), and an armoire that were left by the previous renter and a little round living-room table that the missionaries gave to us. No kitchen table. So we would sit there in our sadly bare living room and eat this amazing food while we enjoyed each others company and waited for me to go into labor. (We ate alot of chicken). So now every time I see a rotisserie I am accutely reminded of a very special time spent with my sweet husband. However since we've come back to the states, I've tried rotisserie chicken a few times and it still turns my stomach a bit. Until now. Until Baby George. It's yummy goodness was right up there with The Alpler! Hallelujah! Plus Nathan praised me and my cooking abilities the entire night. Just call me Iron Chef Sumsion!!